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True Character Is Revealed In The Face Of Adversity

Ours is a story unfortunately familiar to far too many. Brought to the utter depths of despair and anguish by the sudden loss of our two boys Jackson and Cameron; we were and continue to be faced with the decision every day to fade into the shadows and lonely places of sorrow and self-pity or rise up and face the newly transformed reality we live in. Our boys have left this earth but we refuse to let all that was good in them be forgotten. 


Our boys truly brought life to our family and all they came in contact with. Their smiles, laughs, kindness, compassion, competitive drive, silliness, and overall spark of energy and joy will not be lost as long as we never give up and create opportunities for their Legacies to live on through others. Thus, our mission was born; Legacy Through Opportunities. The Jackson and Cameron Clark Foundation has been established to provide our family, and any others, a pathway to revitalize our hope and joy by passing on the legacy of our loved ones to others who would not otherwise have the opportunity. Whether it be soccer, fishing, skydiving, legos, chess, academics, hiking, or any worthwhile adventure there are those in the world yet to be inspired by what made our loved ones light up be the best versions of themselves. Our boys had passion for many activities and if your family is anything like ours we could not help but be filled with pure joy when we witnessed them doing what they loved.


Please help us and many others turn darkness into light, sadness into joy, and spread kindness at every opportunity.

Jackson and Cameron Clark Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

EIN #87-2749410

Contact The Jackson and Cameron Clark Foundation

P.O. Box 69627 · Tucson · AZ · 85737

(707) 292-4089

©2022 by Jackson and Cameron Clark Foundation. Proudly created with

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